
Showing posts from July, 2022

Wait a Minute, Are The Americans Suggesting Rwanda Should Have Waited For Rusesabagina to Reach Kigali?

    The US House of Representatives intelligence committee will this Wednesday July 27 hold a hearing at which Rwanda’s intelligence operations will be the topic of the day. As usual, political theatrics and xenophobia will be on display. Facts about Rwanda will be left out, as speaker after another rumbles with fabrications meant to advance political agendas, not solve anything. The speakers will tell the world that Paul Rusesabagina’s terrorist activities are actually those of a political activist. The victims of his rebel group will not be mentioned anywhere. As recently as June 18, Saturday afternoon at around 14:00hrs, armed thugs, suspected to be remnants of FLN operating from across the border, shot at a public passenger bus on the Nyungwe-Rusizi road in Nyungwe forest, in Nyamagabe district. The National Liberation Front (FLN) is the armed wing of Rwandan Movement for Democratic Change (MRDC) led by Paul Rusesabagina. The group is responsible for several attacks aga

Congolese President Thinks Rwandans Are As Gullible As His People

  It is election season in DR Congo. President Felix Tshisekedi doesn’t have anything to show for the time he has been in power since 2018. What better way to find a scapegoat. Rwanda was the perfect one, no different from his predecessors. There had to be a war. There has to be an emergency. There has be killings. There has to be mass displacement. There has to be xenophobic tempers against non Congolese. The perfect victim is ofcourse the Kinyarwanda speaking Congolese. Mobutu Ssese Sseko used the same tactic. Laurent Desire Kabila did too. The government of Joseph Kabila was no different. It has been the same script. All the self-inflicted crisis, so reasons Tshisekedi, will cause anger against an already pinpointed scapegoat. What Tshisekedi had forgotten is that Rwanda and it’s people are not as gullible as he is or the Congolese themselves. The have allowed themselves to be very easily hoodwinked with an imaginary crisis, then told who to blame. The Congolese don’t se