
Showing posts from August, 2022

The Thief, The Conman, The Rapist Theogene Rudasingwa Cannot Comment on Rwandan Issues

Dr Theogene Rudasingwa is the latest to voice support for the visit of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to this region. Of all people, it should have been anyone else but him.  Rudasingwa is everything, but credible, to make any legitimate overview of the happenings in the great lakes region. He is willing to say anything, as long as it keeps him on the US government food stamps.  For the record, here is who exactly Dr Theogene Rudasingwa is. Because of his callousness, it earned him the name REDCOM. Who can take seriously a person who as early as 1982 could blackmail his fellow Rwandan students including his relatives and members of the Rwandan business community in Kampala? He conned them to deposit large sums of money with a fictitious Mr “REDCOM CX-1200” in return for personal security.  In Rwanda, lucky to be a senior official, Rudasingwa blackmailed people, with the promise of favours in exchange for money. Of course the victims got nothing. When they reclaimed their money, h

Secretary Antony Blinken, This is What We Rwandans Think of Your Planned Visit

 Dear US Secretary Antony Blinken. We have learnt with gratitude that you will be visiting Rwanda. Your office, the State Department announced on 29th July that you will be in Kigali on 10-12th August. The statement went farther to add that in addition to other issues outlined therein, you “will also raise democracy and human rights concerns, including transnational repression, limiting space for dissent and political opposition, and the wrongful detention of U.S. Lawful Permanent Resident Paul Rusesabagina.” First, let me welcome you to Rwanda in advance. You and your delegation will add on to the visitors eagerly coming to Rwanda as it has fully opened up. And by the way, Rwanda welcomed 1.63 million international visitors in 2019, which is before the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Back to the more serious issues. This communication is to share with you what we Rwandans think about your visit. Without wasting much of your time, we think it is a continuation of America