Himbara Wants you to believe Rwanda government investments is bad idea
In latest RNC propaganda, it’s spokesperson Dr David Himbara goes after Dr Anaclet Niyibizi and L.E.A.F. Pharmaceuticals. Himbara bases the attack on Dr Niyibizi from a news report by Bloomberg in which the government of Rwanda is suing L.E.A.F. The latter is accused of falling short and not making good on moneys invested by the government. Himbara expects you the reader to believe the government did a bad thing to invest in an international company. Completely worthless propaganda. Serious governments all over the world make investments of taxpayers money, banking on the hope that it will bring returns for the saver. What is the use of billions of money sitting idle in a bank account when it can be grown further! In June, the Japanese government settled on a plan to put some of its $1.5trillion pension fund into startups. The fund has invested in different other sectors. There is worry in some quarters that the fragility of the world economy could cause Japan to lose i...