Australia-based Rwandan Noel Zibahamwe is Repeating to UN what Govt already Reported to same body

The Australian Human Rights Initiative reported last week that Noel Zibahamwe had interfaced with the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. 

The routine session done for thousands of others in different parts of the world, was so that Zibahamwe provides “an update on the disappearance of his brothers in Rwanda in 2019.”

What the statement didn’t say, which we don’t expect the Australian NGO to do anyway, is the government of Rwanda voluntarily provide to the UN specific details on the whereabouts of people alleged to have disappeared.

While updating the UN Universal Periodic Review in January last year, the government, through a delegation headed by the former Justice Minister Johnston Busingye, had a segment in the voluminous report, which was dedicated to reports of disappeared people. 

The delegation informed the Review session that out of 1,300 who had been reported as missing over the previous years, 1,110 were misreported, as nothing has happened to them. 

The rest, who were not on the government database had likely joined rebel groups, operating from eastern DR Congo. Indeed, some of these can be accounted for. 

The rebel groups have attacked inside Rwanda, and some of these attackers have been captured. Just this last month, about 40 former combatants of RUD Urunana who attacked Musanze several months ago, were sentenced. 

Among these RUD Urunana combatants was Theoneste Habumukiza who had vanished from Uganda’s Makerere University where he was attending a Rwanda-government funded Master’s degree in business administration. 

In the same RUD Urunana group, were others, like Habumukiza, whose families had misreported that they had disappeared yet they were busy training to attack their motherland. 

The fabrications by Sydney-based Rwandan Noelle Yandamutso, who changed names to Noel Zibahamwe, that his two brothers have been disappeared by the authorities in Rwanda, should be received with caution. 

In any case, it could be very likely Zibahamwe knows exactly where his brothers are located, and is benefitting from it deceive the world that they are missing. 

The Australian government is aware of Rwandan Alliance for National Pact (RANP), terror fundraising outfit for which Zibahamwe runs from the comfort the Australian taxpayers have provided him. 

The wild allegations of being targeted by government of Rwanda are nothing but fundraising gimmicks to attract sympathy from unsuspecting Australians. 


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