David Himbara Let The Big Girls-Boys Be, Your Place is Social Media


The most powerful man in the world sought to silence US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, he lost his job instead. That is how far away Omar is from wannabe-author Dr David Himbara.

Himbara needs no introduction. His paid job for the past several years has been to make up stories about the happenings in Rwanda.

Himbara also uses blackmail against people he perceives as associated with the government of Rwanda. His tactic has been to highlight the names of these goodwill ambassadors, couple them with falsified narratives. The intention here is attempt to create public doubt about their intentions.

For past two weeks, Himbara's phobia has been on US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. The fact that Omar came out strongly against a politically motivated resolution in the US Congress about Paul Rusesabagina by Texas Congressman Joaquin Castro, is such a shock to the likes of Himbara. 

Himbara's attack on the Congresswoman is a case of an annoying mosquito that is so tiny you can barely see it, which is stinging an elephant.

Congresswoman Omar's moral judgement cannot be questioned. Her actions since her powerful entry into Congress, speak volumes about her choices.

While many American politician were frightened to say anything about a former US president, the Congresswoman stood her ground. During the 2020 midterm congressional elections, an entire political party put their power and money behind Omar's opponent. She triumphed.

Congresswoman Omar has battled Islamophobia, racism and misogyny that has been directed at her. The people of her district in the state of Minnesota, and the wider American voter, see her as an epitome of standing up for the good.

Together with her superstar colleagues; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley - they have shaken political tables in Washington.

On this blog, I simply have no words to describe Congresswoman Omar, because the American media has done a lot of that. The Washington Post wrote of the four when they entered Congress in 2018 that "There simply had not been people like them in Congress before".

The democratic party taking the presidency and both Houses of Congress, was largely as a result of the base influenced by a few like Congresswoman Omar. They stood with the truth.

It is that power of judgement which Congresswoman Omar is bringing to the issue of Rusesabagina. While Congressman Joaquin Castro is playing politics, all the while leaving out the terrorist actions of Rusesabagina, at least he has not hoodwinked everyone.

Himbara's writings on Congresswoman Omar should be viewed as a feel-good attack for his paymasters. They are social media rants with no bearing on the person of the Congresswoman.



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