Kenyan “Blogger for Hire” Abraham Mitai is a Desperate Man Looking for Way Out


How About We Start a “GoFundMe” to Help Blogger for Hire Abraham Mutai, He Needs It!

Since 9th March 2018, Kenyan Blogger Abraham Mutai, who has baptized himself ‘Lord Mutai’ on social media, is unable to pay his bills. Knowing how tough Nairobi can be for the unemployed, Mutai has been trying his luck outside Kenya. 

The significance of that date is that it is when Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta and longtime opposition figure Raila Odinga signed a political deal to work together. It is what has famously come to be known as the “Handshake”. 

It marked end of a lucrative career that Mutai had; paid to publish vitriol against one side of the political battle. On this platform, we will go into explaining who was paying for Mutai services as it is public knowledge in Kenya. 

Since the handshake, Mutai’s services were no longer needed. Yet he has to keep the flamboyant lifestyle he has enjoyed during the many years of messy and bloody political atmosphere. 

The Kenyan blogosphere for hire has been getting too small to accommodate Mutai. He is one of many who survive by providing platform to those who want to abuse their rivals. If you have a beef with anyone, all you need is a cheque and Mutai will do that for you. 

Abraham Mitai knows he cannot sit by as his comfort withers away; he has desperately been trying to get attention from the region – particularly Rwanda. 

By repeatedly appearing to be critical of Rwanda’s leadership, particularly President Paul Kagame, Mutai is hoping for two things.

One of them is that he is doing that to blackmail Rwandan officials; with the expectation that he’ll receive a call offering him money to stop writing. 

What Mutai isn’t aware of is that whatever he is publishing about Rwanda’s leadership is recycled old and tired narratives. 

Well “my friend” Lord Abraham Mutai as Kenyans mockingly often refer to the opposite side of an argument, it won’t work. You will receive no cent from Rwanda.

The other aspect Mutai hopes for is that since Kagame is such a big name, criticising him may attract responses from people in Rwanda who can’t watch on as he splashes out his ignorance. As a result, he will appear as a force that still has power to shake some tables, and therefore hirable.

Mutai’s company Kings Nanak Consolidated Limited Brands itself as “Expert in Digital Communications, Digital and social media consultant”.

Outside Kenya, Mutai is the gun for hire on the payroll of western NGOs that use his social media platforms to replicate their annual narratives. 

Abraham Mutai, if the Kenyan market is getting tougher because of ongoing complicated realignments, you need to innovate better. Blackmail won’t work in Rwanda. 

But on the other hand, as patriotic Africans, we could start a GoFundMe campaign to help Mutai pay his bills. Who will join me on this journey?


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