Why is Maina Kiai so obsessed with “rights” of terrorists and anarchists

Maina Kiai is former UN special rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association. He is currently working with Human Rights Watch. 

One thing he has been consistent about is his unweaving support for anarchy. He tried to sow such nonsense in the UK, which reminded his employer that it won’t tolerate such interference. Result – Kiai’s contract wasn’t renewed. 

Kiai’s latest, rather expected stance, is that Rwandan authorities orchestrated internal wrangles in a local NGO called LIPRODOR. 

Kiai goes ahead to demonstrate how a former head of the NGO sought redress from the African Court of Human and Peoples’ Rights in Arusha, Tanzania. The cause was opened in 2015.

And indeed, as Kiai himself writes, the court, which has itself been heavily critical on Rwanda through it’s previous cases filed there, determined that the case about LIPRODOR was “inadmissible because domestic remedies hadn’t been exhausted.”

In a nutshell, the court’s verdict was that the former aggrieved LIPRODOR head who brought the case to the continental court, bypassed other instances within the NGO to solve that case. 

In his mind, the guy thought perhaps he had to lead the NGO unquestioned by his colleagues and subordinates. When they ousted him, he ran to an international court. 

The aggrieved LIPRODOR former head didn’t stop there. He claimed in many reports that the Rwandan authorities had thrown him out to stop it from releasing critical reports.

Actually, the authorities here intervened to stop internal fights among founders of LIPRODOR and some employees. Such interventions have happened with other groups. 

One case in particular that I can point out is that of the Pentecostal church locally known as ADEPR. The infighting in this church had become perennial, and had turned ethnic. They were fighting over who should control billions of Francs, yet mobilizing comrades using the ethnic card. 

The testament of the confusion in ADEPR can be summarized by a case currently in the appeals court where senior pastors siphoned nearly Rwf 3b. 

Had the authorities not intervened, there was going to be revolt from ordinary church goers who were being directly affected by the chaos where they weren’t involved. 

In the eyes of Maina Kiai, Rwandan authorities should let this level of anarchy reign. Like really?! This country has witness anarchy beyond human comprehension, and the people are aware how much it has and is still costing to get back to our feet. 

The Kenyan lawyer Maina Kiai, while still the UN rapporteur, sought to extend his champion for anarchy to the UK. He forgot that London is another level. 

First, he criticised UK antiterrorism laws. He then visited the UK in 2013 during which he met with individuals and groups considered a menace in British society. 

For example, just one case was that of CAGE, the prisoners' rights group that described IS executioner Mohammed Emwazi – known as Jihadi John – as a 'beautiful young man' who was 'extremely kind and gentle', and blamed his radicalisation on British government. 

The British made their displeasure very clear to Maina Kiai’s employer the UN secretary general directly in 2016. 

In media statement, former Defence Secretary Liam Fox hit back at Mr Kiai saying: “With the level of oppression, abuse of human rights and terrorism around the world, I would think the United Nations would have better things to do with its resources and manpower than investigating one of the most peaceful, liberal and free countries.”

“We don't make contributions to the UN to have them stick their noses into our country – we give them to improve the lot of people who don't know what freedom and security are.”

The UK was reminding Maina Kiai that it contributes about $600m annually to the UN, and that meant it won’t tolerate the same body poking eyes into UK society. 

UK media actually went further, printing that Maina Kiai should focus on his country Kenya. 

Maina Kiai’s contract was not reconsidered for renewal. 

The world is desperate for order in the unending chaos. The UK cannot tolerate promoters of anarchy, why should Rwanda allow it. 


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