What's With Michela Wrong's Obsession About "Tutsi Men"
Ever wondered why RNC propagandist Dr David Himbara is the one source Michela Wrong keeps quoting to beef up her fabrications? You may not have not noticed so. Now you are going to know. Start keenly reading her diatribes, often marked with negating the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi. The simple reason for Wrong's attention on Himbara is because he is a "Tutsi". In Her voluminous racist-filled book, "Do Not Disturb: The Story of a Political Murder and an African Regime Gone Bad", Himbara is one of her main sources. She has glowing descriptions for people like Emile Rutagengwa, David Himbara who regularly features in her articles, Dr Theogene Rudasingwa and many more. Wrong depends on their view of the world to make up what the world really is for her. Plus, their skewed and deliberately distorted view of Rwanda is what Wrong sees. Wrong's love affair with Patrick Karegeye has been reported about so much. I will not dwell on it. Another of th...