
Showing posts from April, 2022

What's With Michela Wrong's Obsession About "Tutsi Men"

  Ever wondered why RNC propagandist Dr David Himbara is the one source Michela Wrong keeps quoting to beef up her fabrications? You may not have not noticed so. Now you are going to know. Start keenly reading her diatribes, often marked with negating the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi. The simple reason for Wrong's attention on Himbara is because he is a "Tutsi". In Her voluminous racist-filled book, "Do Not Disturb: The Story of a Political Murder and an African Regime Gone Bad", Himbara is one of her main sources. She has glowing descriptions for people like Emile Rutagengwa, David Himbara who regularly features in her articles, Dr Theogene Rudasingwa and many more. Wrong depends on their view of the world to make up what the world really is for her. Plus, their skewed and deliberately distorted view of Rwanda is what Wrong sees. Wrong's love affair with Patrick Karegeye has been reported about so much. I will not dwell on it. Another of th

University of Edinburgh’s Debora Kayembe Has to Please UK Opposition and Congolese Extremists

  There was shock and disbelief when Rector of the renowned University of Edinburgh, Debora Kayembe, went to Twitter in comments that knowingly negate the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi. For those unaware of what transpired, Kayembe was adding her voice to ongoing distorted campaign against imminent relocation of immigrants from UK to Rwanda. In a series of Twitter posts on 14th April, Kayembe wrote – “Mr Prime Minister [Boris Johnson]: we’ve reach[Ed] the bottom of evil; should I remind that the #genocide in #rwanda was orchestrated by #kagame God luck with your plans” Never mind that the now deleted tweet had some understandable grammatical errors. What cannot be forgiven is the willingness of a person of her caliber to engage in cheap roadside rants about a Genocide whose facts have been established by the UN General Assembly and all international instances. As a well-known legal scholar, Kayembe is very well versed with all the legal grounding that provides red lines on an issue

A Hopeless People 28 Years Ago is Offering New Hope for Desperate UK Migrants

  Desperate migrants unable to live in their home countries and unwanted elsewhere will finally have closure to their plight thanks to the generosity of Rwanda and it’s people. The timing of the ongoing migrant crisis between the UK and France is coincidentally happening as Rwanda commemorates the 28 th anniversary of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi. Rwanda knows better what it means to be displaced. The people taking these dangerous journeys are not doing so out of fun. People are dying. Someone had to do something. It's unthinkable that Rwanda should be looking on as such pain runs on television everyday. Not to belittle the plight of these migrants, but they are lucky their situation is getting live news coverage on all the international broadcasters, not to forget millions of social media users. This coverage has helped spark immediate interventions. It was not the case back in April 1994 here in Rwanda. About 4,000 people had sought refuge at technical schoo

Kagame’s Consistent Message to Africa: Enough With Speeches, Let’s Get to Work

  A railway line from Kenya’s port Mombasa to Kigali should have, by now, reached advanced stages. The cost of flying within the continent should have been, probably half the current price, or much less. By now, the transport cost of goods and services crossing borders should have been down had the African Continental Free Trade Area or AfCFTA , moved off the office shelves quickly enough . While some places are seeing these costly delays as business as usual, in Rwanda, it is the norm to get things done without delay. Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame is taking the crusade , against the laxity in implementing agreed programs, to different capitals.   The latest stopover was the Republic of Congo. In address to joint session of Parliament in the capital Brazzaville, Kagame outlined a notable list of projects or programs on Africa’s recent ‘To Do’ list. But without holding back, the President noted: “We know the problems that Africa faces. And we also know the solutions. W

Paul Rusesabagina Should Have Been Handed Life Sentence

  A lenient High Court handed a far less sentence to Paul Rusesabagina the founder and financer of terror group MRCD-FLN, despite overwhelming evidence proving his culpability. The same lenient jail term has been kept unchanged by the Court of Appeal. Following the first trial, on 20 th September, 2021, the High Court’s Special Chamber for International Crimes and Cross-border Crimes sentenced Rusesabagina to 25 years in prison. Rusesabagina had been charged with 13 counts including t he creation or entry into, of an illegal armed group, terrorism, engaging in terrorism for political gain, issuance of instructions in the act of terrorism, membership in a terrorist organization, conspiracy and incitement of terrorism, complicity in the crimes of murder, arson, theft and others. Prosecutors had sought for the maximum sentence, life in prison, which is what is prescribed in the law for the totality of these cases. When the High Court bench deliberated on the charges following

CHOGM 2022 - Who Would Want to be Absent Where British Monarch, Prime Minister is Attending

  President Kagame Meets with His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales at Highgrove House in Gloucestershire, UK - July 23rd, 2019 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson sent official confirmation to government of Rwanda that he will be personally present at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) late June. Buckingham Palace had earlier confirmed on March 14 that the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall will attend on behalf of Queen Elizabeth. The Queen, who has just recovered from a bout of Covid-19, called time on her overseas visits a number of years ago, and secured Charles as the future Head of the Commonwealth – when he becomes King – when she hosted the London CHOGM in 2018. With the head of the 54-member bloc confirming he will be in Kigali, as well as the government which oversees it, no other leader would want to miss. It is the clearest indication that Kigali is preparing to host not less than 50 leaders, plus at least 6,000-8,000 delegates.