University of Edinburgh’s Debora Kayembe Has to Please UK Opposition and Congolese Extremists


There was shock and disbelief when Rector of the renowned University of Edinburgh, Debora Kayembe, went to Twitter in comments that knowingly negate the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi.

For those unaware of what transpired, Kayembe was adding her voice to ongoing distorted campaign against imminent relocation of immigrants from UK to Rwanda.

In a series of Twitter posts on 14th April, Kayembe wrote – “Mr Prime Minister [Boris Johnson]: we’ve reach[Ed] the bottom of evil; should I remind that the #genocide in #rwanda was orchestrated by #kagame God luck with your plans”

Never mind that the now deleted tweet had some understandable grammatical errors. What cannot be forgiven is the willingness of a person of her caliber to engage in cheap roadside rants about a Genocide whose facts have been established by the UN General Assembly and all international instances.

As a well-known legal scholar, Kayembe is very well versed with all the legal grounding that provides red lines on an issue as serious as the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

The real reasons behind Kayembe’s outburst are more sinister.

First, Kayembe’s asylum in the UK would never have been granted in 2005 had it not been for the personal intervention of then Foreign Secretary Jack Straw. Kayembe happened to have settled in Blackburn, the constituency represented by Straw in Parliament.

Ever since, Kayembe has remained indebted to the Labour Party.

It is no coincidence that when the issue of immigrants came up, against which the Labour Party has put up spirited opposition, Kayembe saw a best opportunity. 

The other motivation behind Kayembe’s negationist comment is her Congolese origin, which she abandoned for Britain. For many recent years, Kayembe claimed to be rights activist for Congolese.

Considering the latest ‘bash Rwanda’ trend, Kayembe got the perfect timing. It wouldn’t be far-fetched to suggest she is positioning for a political career in DR Congo.

What better way to start preparing than speak like you are in same boat as the extremist Congolese genocide deniers seeking international legitimacy.

Kayembe and her family lived in opulent luxury during the destructive reign of ex-Zaire leader Mobutu See Seko. The fact that it’s no longer the good old days, cannot sink in yet. She feels that someone must be to blame for her loss of those unlimited benefits.

After the uproar caused by her distasteful tweet, she deleted it. This evening on Tuesday Kayembe repeated the same denial. She doesn’t care about the facts. It’s all politics.

Now you know why she is doing it.


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