Congresswoman Ilhan Omar on Rusesabagina: When Reason Triumphs Over Political Expediency



A project by US Congressman Joaquin Castro and counterpart Congresswoman Young Kim to score political points has been stopped in it’s tracks.

The two lawmakers are advancing a purely political agenda, all the while ignoring international standards of state sovereignty and victims of terrorism.

Castro and Kim have initiated a US congressional resolution in which they base on deliberately false information to call for release of Paul Rusesabagina whose rebel force has caused havoc in Rwanda.

It’s victims, including 13-year-old Ornella Sine Atete, have become political pawns.

However, the Castro-Kim scheme found other Members of the US Congress aware of the facts on the ground. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is one of those.

She has courageously stood ground against an onslaught that actually been targeting her since her triumphant entry into Congress.

In submissions to the Congressional Committee that handled Castro-Kim resolution about Rusesabagina, Congresswoman Omar explained in depth the circumstances of Rusesabagina’s criminal case.

“This man is credibly accused of terrorism, tried and convicted,” she said during the session this week.

“Although I understand the desire to release him on humanitarian grounds, I cannot support it. There is nothing stopping him from continuing supporting violence and terrorism of he is released.”

Indeed, the truth of the matter is that the MRCD-FLN rebel is still advancing Rusesabagina’s plan to kill civilians in this region.

However, by Congress members Castro and Kim, leaving out these facts and many others, and helping to spread disinformation, is nothing else but political expediency.

The American mid-term elections are coming up in November, and Castro is from Texas where Rusesabagina was a resident.

Congressman Castro is lying to voters in Texas about Rusesabagina, by giving them selective facts. By so doing, Castro will appear as a “patriotic” legislator who deserves to continue being in Congress.

I can bet that immediately after the elections are over, Castro will not speak about Rusesabagina.  

Had the voice of reason, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar not been in the committee to put the breaks on Castro’s adventure, one wonders how many other politicians he would have misled.


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