President Kagame Has No Intention of Being “Dominant African Leader”


A misguided and ill-intentioned narrative has been doing the rounds that President Paul Kagame wants to be this or that. The overriding goal is to show him as a leader intent on doing bad. 

President Kagame’s commitment to his people’s interests is demonstrated by example and by tackling action that is available at the political level, for instance:  

- He has created a legislative and  institutional arrangements that reinforce ethical behavior and create tough sanctions against wrongdoing. 

- He is providing adequate support  and resources for ethics-related  activities throughout government.

As a consequence, these ideas are bringing verifiable changes into the lives of ordinary people. 

In addition, somethings have happened in Rwanda, that, Kagame, as leader, has the obligation to ensure they never happen again. Otherwise, he wouldn’t need to be in office. 

Over time, the choices adopted, are paying off. A particular example is making sure vulnerable people are protected. Mozambique comes in mind. Immigrants from Libya too. 

The Daily Maverick newspaper gave space to Michela Wrong to continue her diatribe to advance the agenda of her backers. In it, Wrong claims President Kagame is intent on dominating other African leaders.  

Wrong’s claims are based on falsehoods fed to her by a group of disgruntled former civil servants who have openly called for violent overthrow of the government in Rwanda. 

As various writers have evidently demonstrated, Wrong is a sensation chaser and writing about Rwanda, yet she did not set foot in the country for many years. The reason she keeps bashing President Kagame is because she cannot move on from mourning her “honey skinned” lover Patrick Karegeya. 

The regional initiatives that have been championed by President Kagame are aimed at creating a continent with shared values, one where cost of good/services are cheaper, and people can fly at half current price or less. 

President Kagame makes sure the politics works for his people, and would very happily want to see the same positives being enjoyed across the continent. 

Visionary leadership refers to a clean, clear, competent, credible, committed, courageous, and compassionate foresight and team. By team, I refer to the people that come out of the system built by the current leader. 

Leaders help to reduce ambiguity and uncertainty in people’s lives.  They do so by constructive acts that use complex social forces to achieve concrete, long-term aims and goals.  But they do more; leaders  make  meaning.  They  provide  clear and  positive  reasons for  their  aims, actions  and accomplishments. 

For example, when national career RwandAir was at its infancy, few saw it making headway. That was years ago. Today, social media posts of happy faces taking pictures around its aircraft, says it all – people are excited to have it. 

The actions President Kagame has been taking, are not in any way, an attempt to win over the west. That is a diversionary narrative.

The government's goal is to serve Rwandans and not please the likes of wannabees making a living pretending to be experts. 


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