Himbara Wants you to believe Rwanda government investments is bad idea

In latest RNC propaganda, it’s spokesperson Dr David Himbara goes after Dr Anaclet Niyibizi and  L.E.A.F. Pharmaceuticals.

Himbara bases the attack on Dr Niyibizi from a news report by Bloomberg in which the government of Rwanda is suing L.E.A.F. The latter is accused of falling short and not making good on moneys invested by the government.

Himbara expects you the reader to believe the government did a bad thing to invest in an international company. Completely worthless propaganda.

Serious governments all over the world make investments of taxpayers money, banking on the hope that it will bring returns for the saver. What is the use of billions of money sitting idle in a bank account when it can be grown further!

In June, the Japanese government settled on a plan to put some of its $1.5trillion pension fund into startups. The fund has invested in different other sectors.

There is worry in some quarters that the fragility of the world economy could cause Japan to lose its money.

The government of UAE, via Dubai World invested billions of dollars in ventures spread in many countries. Following the 2018 economic and financial crisis, some of the investments went sour. That didn’t make UAE to fold it’s hands and whine.

Examples of governments committing financing for existing or new companies is completely normal. Himbara wants you to believe that by Rwanda investing in a startup, was selfish endeavor by President Kagame to waste taxpayers money.

It is doubtful anyone will want to swallow such deliberately false information. People have access to plenty of verifiable and credible information. They cannot be fooled every day.

Besides, the fact that the Rwandan government is suing L.E.A.F, is more proof that the investment was made in good faith and in broad daylight.

Otherwise, if it had been a scheme to steal or waste Rwandan taxpayers money, as Himbara posits, the government would simply have gone quiet once the investment was a disaster.

Himbara goes ahead to write how Rwanda’s plans to create a pharmaceutical industry are not working. Well, there, is another misleading propaganda, because, the facts on the ground show a different story.

Not only is the plan for vaccine plant on track, but the technology that will be deployed is revolutionary. I will not go into spelling out everything here. The project has been reported about extensively in international media.

If anything, going to court shows a government that is transparent in whatever it is doing. Himbara, as they say in Kinyarwanda, “Hama hamwe” (sit right), something will not be bad or good because you say so.

The reason you aren’t rich, and have to depend of handout from RNC financer Tribert Rujugiro, is because you’re not a businessman and therefore not prone to making risks.

Actually, for the money Rujugiro is giving you, he sees it as an investment with the hope RNC will come to government during which time he will be repaid in other ways.

Let’s presume you’re doing your best to ensure Rujugiro’s investment will be worth it. However, by the look of actual situation on the ground, it doesn’t seem so. 




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