Charles Kambanda Dreamt of a Kagame Appointment Which Never, He Never Recovered From The Trauma

Charles Kambanda today spends hours trolling President Paul Kagame on Facebook. It’s not by choice that Kambanda is there, no conventional platform can publish his conspiracy theories. 

You have to understand his plight. Many don’t know how he ended up being the troll he is today. 

Kambanda taught philosophy at the former National University of Rwanda which was located in Huye district. 

The course required him to teach 2nd year students in different faculties that had a philosophy stream. He spent all week, throughput the year running from class to another. Not many could do this, you needed a lot of energy. 

Two things kept Kambanda going. One was the daily dose of Cannabis. For those who know the university campus well, you see the auditorium, it’s that forest behind it, where Kambanda puffed out his frustration. 

One other thing that kept Kambanda going was the unfading hope that the appointing authority in Kigali would eventually notice him. Some of the Ministers today were identified from that period.

In the classes of those young men and women, Kambanda never shied from always retorting – “For us we are here as transit, soon they are appointing us to go lead the country. I’m sure they know the high competency I have better than everyone.”

Of course, for some students he sounded a superstar. To others though, Kambanda came out as this supercilious fellow, unaware of his level.

The philosophy had intoxicated Kambanda so much so that he couldn’t imagine why the appointing authority was taking too long to notice him. 

When the appointment never came, Kambanda has never recovered. He is currently banking his hopes on the RNC government. 

The Kambanda you see today comes from that NUR period.

To you “Dr Prof Charles Kambanda”, as you currently call yourself, statecraft is not like managing a 2nd year university class. It’s a different world!


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