Failed Proselytizer David Himbara Expects Kagame to be Everywhere, Yet Doesn’t Expect Him to Travel

 Dr David Himbara is continuing his obsession, stalking President Paul Kagame. He uses freely available web services that track all flights globally, to propagate his dishonesty.

Himbara's latest social media posting about the President's travels is testament of his obsessive-compulsive disorder. The fact that he has not been part of those travels for all this long, hurts so bad, that he is now making up trips that didn’t happen. 

A new sickness has arisen. Himbara and his associates are highlighting where they imagine the President should be. A case in point is the President's State Visit to Mauritania, which started with Senegal. 

The Himbaras highlighted another regional head of state gathering in Kinshasa-DRC. They claim the President was not invited there, yet the Prime Minister of Rwanda was there to represent the Head of State. 

That is how state affairs are managed. 

The President has mandate from the people of Rwanda to find ways to take the country to another level. It entails doing an endless list of things and taking extremely tough decisions, all at the same time. It is the reason he makes sure the country's interests are represented at all times. 

Himbara writes that the President's travels are a wastage of state resources, really? Throughput history, leaders have conducted state relations by meeting face to face. Perhaps Himbara wants to make you falsely believe that Rwanda can manage to tame the marauding enemies by folding its hands. Of course, that isn’t going to happen, if that’s what Himbara expects.  

The engagements the President undertakes have undisputable results for everyone to see; a more than $10billion economy (GDP) today, yet his administration inherited a $752 million GDP. You verify these details yourself from the IMF or World Bank. 

In this whole region, excitement is visible as we celebrate the coming of major sports competitions to the country. These events have not flown into Rwanda. Why can’t they be held in other parts of the region anyway, if the were magically coming? 

Himbara's obsessive-compulsive disorder is such that he cannot fathom how all this is happening without his or his friends' involvement. 

You will talk, as we prosper! Get used to it!


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