
Showing posts from February, 2022

Failed Proselytizer David Himbara Expects Kagame to be Everywhere, Yet Doesn’t Expect Him to Travel

 Dr David Himbara is continuing his obsession, stalking President Paul Kagame. He uses freely available web services that track all flights globally, to propagate his dishonesty. Himbara's latest social media posting about the President's travels is testament of his obsessive-compulsive disorder. The fact that he has not been part of those travels for all this long, hurts so bad, that he is now making up trips that didn’t happen.  A new sickness has arisen. Himbara and his associates are highlighting where they imagine the President should be. A case in point is the President's State Visit to Mauritania, which started with Senegal.  The Himbaras highlighted another regional head of state gathering in Kinshasa-DRC. They claim the President was not invited there, yet the Prime Minister of Rwanda was there to represent the Head of State.  That is how state affairs are managed.  The President has mandate from the people of Rwanda to find ways to take the country to another leve

Charles Kambanda Dreamt of a Kagame Appointment Which Never, He Never Recovered From The Trauma

Charles Kambanda today spends hours trolling President Paul Kagame on Facebook. It’s not by choice that Kambanda is there, no conventional platform can publish his conspiracy theories.  You have to understand his plight. Many don’t know how he ended up being the troll he is today.  Kambanda taught philosophy at the former National University of Rwanda which was located in Huye district.  The course required him to teach 2nd year students in different faculties that had a philosophy stream. He spent all week, throughput the year running from class to another. Not many could do this, you needed a lot of energy.  Two things kept Kambanda going. One was the daily dose of Cannabis. For those who know the university campus well, you see the auditorium, it’s that forest behind it, where Kambanda puffed out his frustration.  One other thing that kept Kambanda going was the unfading hope that the appointing authority in Kigali would eventually notice him. Some of the Ministers today were identi

Australia-based Rwandan Noel Zibahamwe is Repeating to UN what Govt already Reported to same body

The Australian Human Rights Initiative reported last week that Noel Zibahamwe had interfaced with the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances.  The routine session done for thousands of others in different parts of the world, was so that Zibahamwe provides “an update on the disappearance of his brothers in Rwanda in 2019.” What the statement didn’t say, which we don’t expect the Australian NGO to do anyway, is the government of Rwanda voluntarily provide to the UN specific details on the whereabouts of people alleged to have disappeared. While updating the UN Universal Periodic Review in January last year, the government, through a delegation headed by the former Justice Minister Johnston Busingye, had a segment in the voluminous report, which was dedicated to reports of disappeared people.  The delegation informed the Review session that out of 1,300 who had been reported as missing over the previous years, 1,110 were misreported, as nothing has happened to them.  T

With Republicans on His Neck, Congressman Castro Determined to Do Anything to keep Seat including Support for Terrorists

The political waters in the US State of Texas are becoming ever more turbulent. The few democrats in the state legislature, and the federal Parliament (Congress), are losing sleep. They have no reason not to anyway! The Republican Party has redrawn the political landscape in the state, leaving Democrats in desperate search for political points. One of those whose seat is unsafe is Democratic Congressman Joaquin Castro who has represented the Tex a s 20th Congressional District in the federal Congress in Washington since 2013. However, since the 2020 mid-term elections at state level, and for several mid-terms previously, Republicans have a majority in the Texas State Legislature. Last year, the Republicans redrew the congressional district lines. As a result, some districts which have been voting for democrats, have been merged with those that vote republican. For example, media analysis of the troubling changes, show some Democrats have been drawn out of their districts. For e

David Himbara Let The Big Girls-Boys Be, Your Place is Social Media

  The most powerful man in the world sought to silence US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, he lost his job instead. That is how far away Omar is from wan n abe - author Dr David Himbara. Himbara needs no introduction. His paid job for the past several years has been to make up stories about the happenings in Rwanda. Himbara also uses blackmail against people he perceives as associated with the government of Rwanda. His tactic has been to highlight the names of these goodwill ambassadors, couple them with falsified narratives. The intention here is attempt to create public doubt about their intentions. For past two weeks, Himbara's phobia has been on US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. The fact that Omar came out strongly against a politically motivated resolution in the US Congress about Paul Rusesabagina by Texas Congressman Joaquin Castro, is such a shock to the likes of Himbara.   Himbara's attack on the Congresswoman is a case of an annoying mosquito that is so tiny you can barely

Michela Wrong Has Yet to Heal From the January Syndrome

  Michela Wrong’s mood swings are understandable. The months of December and January have been difficult period for her since 2014.  The latest diatribe in support of terrorist financer Paul Rusesabagina is a symptom of what has come to be the January Syndrome.  For starters, Michela Wrong was a concubine of Rwanda’s former spy chief Col Patrick Karegeya who was found dead on 1st January 2014 in a South African hotel.  Wrong chronicled the relationship in her book throughout it’s pages. I reviewed the book here: Michela Wrong’s Love Affair With Patrick Karegeya Is All Over Her Book’s Pages  The pain has not gone away. It become more visible as the anniversary gets closers and takes it’s toll during the month after.  One would expect that as years elapse, Wrong would have gotten over her troubling ordeal. But it appears, for 2022, the impact of the syndrome is going on into February. That’s why you are seeing Wrong is all over the place.   When Rusesabagina came into the picture, Michel

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar on Rusesabagina: When Reason Triumphs Over Political Expediency

    A project by US Congressman Joaquin Castro and counterpart Congresswoman Young Kim to score political points has been stopped in it’s tracks. The two lawmakers are advancing a purely political agenda, all the while ignoring international standards of state sovereignty and victims of terrorism. Castro and Kim have initiated a US congressional resolution in which they base on deliberately false information to call for release of Paul Rusesabagina whose rebel force has caused havoc in Rwanda. It’s victims, including 13-year-old Ornella Sine Atete, have become political pawns. However, the Castro-Kim scheme found other Members of the US Congress aware of the facts on the ground. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is one of those. She has courageously stood ground against an onslaught that actually been targeting her since her triumphant entry into Congress. In submissions to the Congressional Committee that handled Castro-Kim resolution about Rusesabagina, Congresswoman Omar explained in depth

Kenyan “Blogger for Hire” Abraham Mitai is a Desperate Man Looking for Way Out

  How About We Start a “GoFundMe” to Help Blogger for Hire Abraham Mutai, He Needs It! Since 9th March 2018, Kenyan Blogger Abraham Mutai, who has baptized himself ‘Lord Mutai’ on social media, is unable to pay his bills. Knowing how tough Nairobi can be for the unemployed, Mutai has been trying his luck outside Kenya.  The significance of that date is that it is when Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta and longtime opposition figure Raila Odinga signed a political deal to work together. It is what has famously come to be known as the “Handshake”.  It marked end of a lucrative career that Mutai had; paid to publish vitriol against one side of the political battle. On this platform, we will go into explaining who was paying for Mutai services as it is public knowledge in Kenya.  Since the handshake, Mutai’s services were no longer needed. Yet he has to keep the flamboyant lifestyle he has enjoyed during the many years of messy and bloody political atmosphere.  The Kenyan blogosphere for hir